Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sometimes a single paragraph says it all

In the closing paragraph of his post on the PM's new branch plant press office, Paul Wells nails it down in one sentence (my emphasis in bold):
One presumes the first half-dozen or so of the Prime Minister’s southern interlocutors will ignore the breathtaking turnabout that Harper’s sunshiny new line will represent. Eventually one will have a slow morning and an industrious research staff, and the PM will find himself facing the same sort of embarrassing questions in his new setting that he has laboured so industriously to avoid at home. On that day, his flirtation with the U.S. press will end, because this Prime Minister has never learned to take a punch. Until then, though, his new press strategy will probably do both him and the rest of us some good. And if the fates require that he hire Bill Clinton’s press secretary so he can peddle Jean Chrétien’s legacy, well, the triumph of Canadian conservatism sometimes works in mysterious ways.
Whether or not this boondoggle has anything to do with pumping up Canada in the States or it is all about 
putting lipstick Harper's pig of a resume, They haven't thought this one through.

I can hardly wait till Fleischer gets Harper on the Daily Show.  Should make for some good Liberal campaign commercials.
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