Thursday, July 25, 2019

Monday, July 15, 2019

How Toronto Saved Civilization?

Thomas Cahill in How the Irish Saved Civilization outlined his thesis on how Irish priests preserved civilization from hordes of barbarians.  Cahill saw Ireland as the last bastion of the western world.

Fast forwarding to 2019 and erudite people are concerned how the false populism Putin was able to leverage to bring Trump to power in the USA  is spreading around the globe.  Bolsonaro, Duterte, Erdugan gave Putin reason to state that liberal democracy is on the retreat around the world. 

Canada, under the Trudeau government was seen as a bulwark against this trend.  Pot legalizing, medical assistance in dying, immigrant welcoming happy Canada was a reason to believe the fight against the dying of the light was possible.

But here in Canada, the election of Ford, and, right here in Alberta, the even more awful Kenney government gave reason to worry about the implications of the short lived lead in the polls by the federal Cons.

Recent polling has indicated that the people are waking up to the false promises of the New Right.  And the Liberals have taken charge in "Fortress Toronto" and are likely to retain power after the general election this Fall.  Preserving Canada as an oasis against the tempests afflicting the outside world.

So, work with me on this one...If Canada remains a refuge for liberal democracy and if that is due to the outcome in Toronto, it follows that the world will owe T. O. a huge debt when Trump et al. are swept away by an inevitable fresh tide of enlightenment.  Toronto might just save civilization.

It won't be any kind of compensation for not being able to win a Cup but it will be some compensation I suppose..


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Saturday, July 13, 2019

If the Cons hiring The Underminer seemed messed up

How effed up are the Greens that they thought this was a good idea.  Welcome to the real world Green Party.Recommend this Post