Friday, October 18, 2019

File This Under "Well d'uh"

So it turns I was correct that one of The Underminer's clients is the Conservative Party  Definitely vindicates my stand that by defending his position on it's blogroll, Progressive Bloggers lost the legitimacy to refer to itself as Progressive.  And my decision to leave that site.

The article is behind a paywall but my trusty old BlackBerry seems to be able to access the article so I can confirm that:

  • The Dizzy Group began working for the decidedly non-progressive Cons no later than March of this year
  • The Underminer was not asked so he did not have to neither confirm or deny that he has worked on other projects for the decidedly non-progressive Cons
  • The Underminer (a self-styled Canadian version of Karl Rove/Donald Segretti) is lousy at his job.  The Twitter account set up to destroy the (just as despicable as the Cons) People's Party has a total of 69 followers.  Looks like his campaign caught a virus rather than going viral
It will be interesting to see how Progressive Bloggers handles this news.  Perhaps it is time for a new aggregator for progressive blogs.Recommend this Post

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