Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A distinction with a difference

Robert Jago is correct. Some of the photos submitted to liberal.ca contest are ignorant.  As a member of the Liberal Party I believe the only correct thing to do is cancel the contest and apologize unreservedly for the unintentional and unexpected insult caused.

But there is one thing to remember.  These immature images were not generated by the OLO.  They were submitted to a contest.  Unlike the pigeon poop ads or the photo of Dion framed by bullet holes, they were not the product of the vicious mindset fostered by the Party's Leader.  That is a big difference.

Two wrongs don't make a right.  One wrong and a half wrong don't either.  The assaults on Dion remain the hallmark of the petty vindictive mind of Harper and his emotionally stunted followers.  The Liberal fault was not recognizing that the Internet will always be a great venue to demonstrate the Law of Unintended Consequences.

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deBeauxOs said...

Well, I for one think that that first submission which Jago holds in contempt does a perfect job of depicting Stevie's tactic for preventing ReformaTory s**t from hitting the proverbial fan.

What's wrong with the Cons? Don't they have a sense of humour?

Oh wait. They don't, do they? They only do spiteful petulance.

Anonymous said...

As a member of the Liberal Party I believe the only correct thing to do is cancel the contest and apologize unreservedly for the unintentional and unexpected insult caused.

Oh get off your high horse, prissy.

Anonymous said...

Nah, nah, nah. Let the apology stand and carry on with the contest. There isn't a man or a party more deserving of being shot with a barrel of their own s...