Sunday, December 22, 2019

Harper launches the last of his flying monkeys?

Harper's Master Plan had so much promise.  After his well deserved defeat, Harper would retire as leader so he could work his magic as Chair of the International Democratic Union. He needed a caretaker leader for his Franken-Party  Hopefully , someone so anodyne, the Conservatives could wait out an election cycle.  Then Harper's right hand man could assume the mantle after earning his spurs as Premier of Alberta.

So, we ended up with "Harper With A Smile" (TM).  Scheer was pushed out essentially for being the loser we all knew he is.  K-Man has been exposed as so toxic that even Albertans are wising up to him.  So much for Plan A.

Kenny a non-starter.  Same with Ford.  Other acolytes are immediately seen as too toxic.  Red Tory gophers keep popping their heads out of their burrows and need to be whacked down.  What is a master strategist to do.

K-Man was his master warrior.  Harper's farm system is pretty thin.  Not much scoring talent in the minors.  What is he to do?

Desperate times call for desperate measures.  As a result, we see Pierre Polievre floated as a candidate.  Really?  If Scheer wilted under scrutiny what will happen to this weasel.  If this is the Conservative's best and brightest, Trudeau will be PM until he can collect CPP.Recommend this Post

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