Saturday, December 14, 2019

Sisyphus had nothing on the Conservatives

Rather than learn from the heavy hints from the people, the Harper Party is doomed to repeat the mistakes of history.

  • Preston Manning: Led a small claque of western based socially conservative splinter group that was going nowhere until the Mulroney Progressive Conservatives collapsed.  Even with the prostrate PCs, the Reformers could only form an opposition.  Never a government.
  • Stockwell Day: Rename the party to Canadian Alliance.  New leader.  Same old homophobic, misogynistic anti-social program policies.  Same old electoral failure
  • Stephen Harper: Merge the party and rename it.  New leader.  Same old discredited policies with less traction than bald All Season tires on black ice.  Added a few even worse ones.  Managed to scrape out two minorities governments with the help of RCMP intervention and In and Out money laundering.  Turfed after one thin majority government.
  • Andrew Scheer:  "Harper with a smile".  Remember that one.  Notwithstanding constant attacks from a biased media based on manufactured scandals, all this poltroon could offer was the same old ideas as out of touch with Canadians as Preston Manning was.  Homophobia, misogyny, bad fiscal platform.  Harper's tax cuts.  Electoral result ?  Failure.
And who is being floated a leader?  Erin O' Toole.  Jason Kenney, Rona Ambrose.  The pundits will try to talk some life into these retreads in an attempt to sell some papers but a party led by any of these chips off the Conservative Block will soon be sussed out for what they are.   Here is an example of how bad these candidates would be:  They make Peter McKay seem plausible
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