Sunday, March 31, 2019

Are JWR/JP and friends familiar with the story of the Cambridge 5?

So JWR has shown herself to be an unethical as well as an incompetent MoJaAG.  I expect JWR/JP, their co-conspirators and useful idiots in the Opposition parties, media and political consulting firms are enjoying the blowback against the government.

But their joy will be short lived.  Cunning though those involved might be, gaming this whole plan out isn't their strong suit (e.g. having an anti-budget filibuster in which they ingeniously voted to provide the Liberals with an entire election's worth of attack ads).  Eventually, even Andrew Scheer will realize that if the Terrible Twins will connive and plot against the person who brought them into government and installed them in plum Cabinet posts they will do the same to him.  Political consultants who praise the unethical recording of phone calls will wonder if St. Jody has been doing the same to them.  Most of the writers at MacLean's and the Globe and Mail will start to wonder if the are part of the plot or will the One Born to Be Noble One (or some other undemocratic hogwash title) toss them under the next convenient bus.

Once Philby, Burgess, Maclean et al. defected to Moscow they discovered they were not Colonels in the KGB.  The KGB didn't trust anyone who was so disloyal.  The traitors live's were sad and lonely.  They read the London papers.  They subsisted on a minimum stipend and allowance of Lea & Perrins.  But they were pariahs in the Soviet Union.  This is the fate of JWR/JP.

Perhaps the Cambridge 5 realized their folly.  Their fate was still the same.  Do the Mean Girls realize theirs?  At this point, I couldn't care less.Recommend this Post

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