Thursday, March 28, 2019

Maybe JT's sin was throwing good money after bad.

Perhaps it can be traced back to the whole non-egalitarian "Woman born pf noble people" hogwash.  It could be the whole SNC-Lavalin canard Jody Wilson-Raybould (JWR) instigated.  Regardless of the source of the leak, her unprecedented recommendations for a new Chief Justice for the SCC seemed very much at odds with a progressive Liberal government.

While I think the source must be carefully considered, this editorial raises concerns.  And what about her callous disregard of an innocent man's appeal for justice.  Title Minister of Justice is not intended to be used ironically.

Oh.  And her refusal to do her job?

I am all for equity for people of equal ability.  But perhaps Trudeau's biggest sin was installed an incompetent into one of the most important posts in Cabinet to reach a self-imposed artificial limit. Perhaps he then went to extraordinary limits to accommodate an incompetent MOJAG and is now paying the price. If the Cabinet had been unbalanced by more person, it would still have been a step forward.  And it will still have been 2015.

But it seems right now that Trudeau now has the strangest of political metaphors.  He has two people inside his tent and they are both pissing in.Recommend this Post

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Regardless of the source of the leak …"

You mean Warren Kinsella.