Sunday, March 31, 2019

Who made the call?

This Political Potshots post nicely captures some obvious concerns about the ethics of the "Noble One"' taping her phone conversation with Michael Wernick.  As does this one by Excited Delirium.

To have recorded the call was egregiously unethical.  Did she initiate the phone conversation that she inappropriately and unethically record?  If she so, that exponentially increases her wrongdoing.Recommend this Post


Anonymous said...

Well you probably haven't bothered to read the complete transcript, based on your headline question. The answer is there. It's too delicious for me to spill the beans, so you'll have to read it yourself. Take note of the attempts by Wernick to illegally interfere with the AG while you're at it.

No wonder you and the other nitwits are so far off base. You can't be bothered to read the record and thus use your bullhorn blogs to promulgate bullsh*t plucked almost entirely from your imagination.

If a storm of Con locusts descend on the land later this year, who shall I blame? The PM. He obviously cannot distinguish the law from his wishes. They say he's now personally seeking McLoughlin's advice on the matter. With luck, he'll get quite a shock.

Anonymous said...

Egregiously unethical, really? No, not if you apprehend that you're probably going to be set up.Then it's a legitimate means of defence.

Sure it's embarrassing to the Liberal faithful and it ought to be but that wasn't Jody's doing.