Saturday, April 6, 2019

What would you do if you were the Conservatives?

You are faced with a real problem.  You have elected a dorky overly-religious leader prone to associating with white supremacists.  A disaffected leadership candidate has formed a splinter party.  The governing party has a popular leader that most people like to be associated with.  And their policies are generally popular.  The popularity polling indicates you do have is notoriously inefficient.  And the government's performance is even worse for you.  A strong economy.  Success standing up to Putin's President.  Worst of all, they are on track to get a pipeline built in the heart of your support.

You need a plan.  An election is looming and you are going to lose.  What do you do?  Your favourite trick is to suppress the vote.  Create outrage over a fake scandal and discourage Liberal voters from turning out.  It worked for a similarly creepy and unpopular Leader a decade ago.  But what scandal?

And then out of nowhere, you find out that an ambitious pair of senior Cabinet ministers are out to inflict petty revenge on the Prime Minister for a bruised ego.  Is the scandal risible? (h/t Montreal Simon)?  No matter.

Quick.  Round up the Conservative minded pundits!  Roll out the coordinated attack!  What is that you say?  We can even have a political strategist who hasn't worked for the Liberal party in nigh on a decade or more help led the attack from within Progressive Bloggers?  Why, this might just work!

Prepare the tax cuts!  Find which minorities to target next.  Hurry!  It is hard to stop these bozos from erupting!

Sounds like a plan is coming together.  But, the Leader is still a dweeb.  The government is still doing a good job.  And the Terrible Twins will start to fade into their well deserved obscurity.  Campaigns matter.  A week is a long time in politics.  and there are still 20 plus weeks to go.Recommend this Post


brawnfire said...

Hi Constant Vigilance,

SO glad I found you. Just when I was whining to Montreal Simon where are all the other bloggers for our (pro-Liberal) side?

You put it so well. You've mapped the terrain.

Too bad 'we' can hardly herd-the-cats gone astray; progressives thinking they can make their mark on the territory in some other way. Pulling in three different directions (Lib/NDP/Green)=stasis, spells defeat. Like the Ontario Trillium Logo cum 'three men in a tub' the Con ON gov't has assigned to the trash heap.

The Greens are gonna win the day, ya think? ;)

Anonymous said...

Yet another whingeing that disaster will befall us all if the Cons get in power this fall over Twinkletoes. I agree, it will. But if the boy currently acting as PM gets back in, will we get more improper jimmying of the independent justice system and be subject to idiocy just as disastrous? I do not know which are worse - Liberals or Conservatives. Liberals seem to give themselves a Hail Mary pass just becuz. Just becuz what is never clear, and has never been clear to me for decades and I'm well into my dotage.

Arguing that one set of known Liberal crooks will be better for us than an army of Cons wanting to be perhaps even worse crooks is a silly premise.

In my considered opinion Montreal Simon is completely off his rocker, and here you are complimenting him. I'll have to move you into my delusions of unreality file too.

Apparently you have prejudged Raybould and Philpot as power grabbers rather than acknowledging their principles. So being party to crooked dealings should have been their course of action, you argue? Not content with that, you impugn their motives. What a guy!

Alsom what a crock. Be independent in thought and mind and you'll get further with me than with this tripe you peddle. If you cannot tell right from wrong, what's the use of you/