Saturday, May 25, 2019

!The Two Sides of the Deficit Coin!

!For as long as the Underminer remains on Progressive Bloggers, posts on that site appear under protest!

A few thoughts on  Scheer's* floppiest of flips in that a Con government would need 5 years to balance the budget rather than his earlier commitment to a two year hack and slash.

It displays either a jaw dropping display of economic incompetence or political cynicism or both.  Evidence points to the latter.

Given the fixed election law foisted on us by the Great and Powerful Oz, a Con government would last at most four years.  That means anyone foolish enough to vote for him based on this deficit plan would be signing up for a two election commitment.

Doug Ford is already so toxic that the ghosting is well underway 5 months out.  All Liberal messaging should take care to drop the word “Progressive” when referring to the Ontario government.

Aaron Wherry is very eager to proclaim that this announcement hobbies the Liberals by taking away the budget slashing boogeyman meme.  That is a laudable effort to claim all news is good news for the Cons.

Another view is that the deficit was the only economic mallet the Cons could have wielded in the arena in which they need to pick up seats.  What economic argument can they make in the 905? Overall, things are pretty good in that battleground. They have essentially ceded the economy to Trudeau.

Sheep has, by his own volition removed the fiscal pole from his lean-to.  Is the remaining coalition of white supremacists, Trudeau haters, carbon tax opponents and other fringe groups enough to edge him over the line to a majority government?  Or will he be forced to resign on election night and let Kenney have a go?

*Android autocorrect Scheer's to Sheep's.  Tee Hee

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