Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Robert Burns Day

Post Dedication: For my Burns loving yet Harper voting contradiction of a father and my mum (note the spelling) whose heart is in the highlands. Even though she left for Australia at 10 during the Blitz and returned at 18 only to meet a sailor on her second day back in Edinburgh. That man proposed soon after and whisked her off to a country even colder and stranger and more entrancing than The Old Sod.
We settled on your prairies
In your cities and your towns.
There's another oatmeal savage
Every time you turn around.
Robert Burns was born 250 years ago. And in tribute here , his song that inspired generations of progressive ideals:

"Is there for honest poverty"

A. K. A.: A Man's A Man for A' That

Now I, like lots of first generation Canadians I was subjected to maudlin romantic versions of Scottish folk songs. I won't do that to you. Here is a slightly more contemporary version:

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