Friday, June 26, 2009
Every tool has a use
Romeo LeBlanc provides Ignatieff some guidance
When the debate appeared to have run its course, LeBlanc held up two fingers. “Two things,” he said, arching his eyebrows. “First, we cannot be seen to be manipulating all of this. Canadians are very mad at the Tories, and we cannot risk them getting mad at us, too. They do not want to see us taking political advantage of this situation. Secondly, we need to remind them – without it looking like we are reminding them – that these Tory ads are un-Canadian. We need to take them to a place, a room, where they look around, and say: ‘I don’t like where I am.’ Do you understand what I am saying?”
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
the-progressive-pamphleteer - 1 new message in 1 topic - digest
Today's topics:
* The Progressive Pamphleteer #1 - 1 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: The Progressive Pamphleteer #1
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jun 22 2009 6:58 am
From: Neil Watson
*Some of the best progressive articles from the past week. Please pass
this on to others you think might be interested. To find more posts of this
nature, visit Progressive Bloggers <>.*
*Braidwood Inquiry*
Newly Disclosed RCMP Email Shocks Dziekanski Inquiry On What Was To Be The
Final Day!<>
*Conservative corruption*
* Auditor General working this
*Shamocracy - The Toronto Star series on the problems with Canadian
democracy *
*A progression of tiny cuts make democracy a
Deborah Coyne on how to reverse this
The descent of national politics into irrelevance and insignificance: Can it
be reversed? (Part One:
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Never do something you are ashamed of
Monday, June 22, 2009
A concrete example of sham-o-cracy
Turned-off Canadians tuning outAt the time it was hailed as groundbreaking. Fill out a one-page form, pay a $5 fee and Canadians had the right to ask for any federal government record. The introduction of the Access to Information Act in 1983 put Canada on the cutting edge.
"We were amongst the leaders in the world," says Robert Marleau, the federal information commissioner.
But the leader has become the laggard after 26 years of "static decline," Marleau says.
"Since then it's been the same song and dance, no effort by any government to have this legislation or these processes keep pace with time, change and technology," he said in an interview.
Today, the access to information system is collapsing from a combination of neglect and bureaucrats foiling citizens' right to know through foot-dragging and fees.
University of Toronto political science professor Lorraine Weinrib charges that Harper has an "extended track record" of showing disdain for the principles and practices at the heart of Canada's constitutional system.
"While Harper touts the democratic principle as his ideal, his actions align with another principle – an all-powerful executive authority that makes his own rules," she writes in an essay for a book titled Parliament Democracy in Crisis.
To make it clear this is the case, the Conservatives take another slice from the carcass of democracy:
Tories withhold future war costs, citing national security concerns
In a significant policy shift, the Canadian government now believes that telling the country’s taxpayers the future cost of the war in Afghanistan would be a threat to national security, Canwest News Service has learned.
The Defence Department cited a national security exemption when it censored a request under Access to Information by the federal NDP for the military costs of Canada’s military participation in the NATO-led, United Nations-sanctioned military mission to Afghanistan.
When the NDP asked for the identical figures last year, the military made them public. Canwest News Service was able to disclose in April 2008 that the yearly incremental cost of the war would top $1 billion for the first time since Canada’s military became involved in Afghanistan in 2002.
The Taliban doesn't lack all measure of sophistication but the spending estimates are not crucial to the mission in Afghanistan. The need for a society to be appropriately informed of it's own affairs is paramount over the need for security in matters of this information.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Harper can't open his mouth without insulting Canadian democracy
But the prime minister warned a fall election that he said "nobody wants" would bring "pretty dangerous results" for the country which is already struggling with a recession.
Harper also raised the spectre of the Liberals forming another proposed coalition with the NDP and supported by the Bloc, despite Ignatieff's repeated assurances the coalition idea was "dead."
"Nobody wants to see the opposition coalition we had at the end of last year," Harper said. "I think everybody in the public recognized the dangers that presents to the country."
He said his minority government has operated in an environment of "constant threat" of an election, which he didn't welcome or think was "useful."
"But when we're faced with them, we make sure we're prepared," he said.
His first comment carries the implication that an election that does not return him to power is a dangerous result. This is unconscionable for the leader of a democracy. I may detest the unfortunate fact that this creep is the Prime Minister of Canada but unless there is evidence of fraud I respect the results that put him there. Harper makes it evident that he does not believe anyone else should be Prime Minister. The only person facing a dangerous result in a Conservative defeat is this woefully unqualified imbecile.
Secondly, lay off the misrepresentation as to how our system works. The coalition, regardless of it's faults, was an entirely legitimate structure. A democrat would not work to erode understanding of the foundations of parliamentary democracy.
And finally the threat of an election has been very useful. That is how minority parliaments work; you fool.
If you can stomach listening to him, here is a link to the video. You can hear Harper misrepresent democracy beginning at 1:25
Unlike Lady Macbeth, I will eschew sleepwalking
Lady Macbeth:
Macbeth Act 3, scene 2, 8–12
How now, my lord, why do you keep alone,
Of sorriest fancies your companions making,
Using those thoughts which should indeed have died
With them they think on? Things without all remedy
Should be without regard: what's done, is done.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Working on the Harper personality cult with our tax dollars - again
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Enemies of Canadian Democracy
"Don't think that things of this sort don't happen in Canada."
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Constant Vigilance offers strategic advice
When your opponent is drowning, throw the son of a bitch an anvil.
"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative ( and creation), there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now".
Friday, June 12, 2009
The other side of a summer election
The definitive summary of the Isotope Crisis
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The consequences of a political party that has lost it's way
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Ghost of Conservascandals past
New inspectors not dedicated to meat plantsIncompetence requires non-confidence.Recommend this Post
None of the 57 newly hired inspectors at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency are dedicated to meat inspection, despite a promise by Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz at the height of the deadly listeriosis crisis that they would be on the "front lines."...When Ritz announced the new positions last August after a definitive link was made between tainted meat produced at a Maple Leaf plant in Toronto and the deaths of 22 Canadians, he said the government was "targeting another 58 people to be on the front lines."
The CFIA was responding to a request from the NDP's food safety critic, Malcolm Allen, who asked for a status report on these new hires, and whether they were "doing meat inspection or are they doing other things."
Allen said the revelation shows Ritz wasn't being forthright with Canadians.
"The minister left the impression with Canadians that all the inspections that were hired in the last little while were meat inspectors, and now we know this is untrue," he said. "The CFIA has unequivocally said to us this is not what they're doing.
"So the difficulty we have, Canadians have, how do you have confidence in a minister who tells you ... 'This is our remedy, we will hire people to do meat inspection,' and then they hire people and they don't do meat inspection."
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Express your opinion on non-confidence
Is the incompetence of the Harper government as currently manifested in Raitt-Gate in conjunction with the Listeriosis outbreak and their history of inept financial management reason enough to move non-confidence?
Recommend this Post
Meanwhile across The Pond
Officials at the main European reactor that produces medical isotopes have their fingers crossed the shuttered Chalk River facility will be running by early next year, when they must close their own operation for five to six months.
"It would be pretty difficult to see how the medical community could manage to cope if we have to go out for a long period before the (Canadian) reactor gets back," said Kevin Charlton, commercial manager of isotope supply at the Petten HFR reactor in the Netherlands.
The phenomenal incompetence of the Harper government is having a global impact. It is too late for calls for the resignation of Lisa Raitt or (John Baird for that matter). Notwithstanding the relative merits of EI reform as a pretext for a non-confidence vote there are no valid reasons to not move non-confidence based on the ongoing Chalk River fiasco. This is worth fighting an election over.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
The Conservative burn rate is even better than I estimated
a $5-6 million Conservative pre-writ ad buy defining the Liberal leader
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I have the wrong paradigm for dealing with Conservatives
par·a·digm (pr
, -d
n.1. One that serves as a pattern or model.2. A set or list of all the inflectional forms of a word or of one of its grammatical categories: the paradigm of an irregular verb.3. A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline.
It must be free metaphor week in Ottawa
A perfect symbol of their incompetence
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
How does that make you feel Lisa?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Disaster Federalism - The Con job that just won't go away
Will an extremely right wing prime minister leading a government elected with the lowest ever level of popular support be able to hold a pillow over the programs that helped make this the best country in the world?
It looks like, if Harper has his way the answers are yes, yes and yes.
Will the infrastructure built up over generations be taken away from our descendants so that a discredited dogma can have one last kick at the cat?
Will an economic event that has been needlessly and purposely exacerbated be used to justify converting Canada into a neo-con dystopia?
Monday, June 1, 2009
Attack ad burn rate estimation
Here's a rundown, year to year differences:Conservatives 4,361,540.04 (39,432 donors) 2009Conservatives 4,954,550.22 (44,345 donors) 2008
As of today, the ads have been running for just over 3 weeks with no end in sight. So let us say the attack ad campaign has cost $225,000.00. Give or take. And this doesn't include the cost of the chairs for Angry Steve to kick now that this ad foolishness appears to be a flop.Friend --
Following a week of bad news for Stephen Harper’s Conservatives, today it gets even worse. His one hope to divert attention away from his government’s incompetence—the personal attack ads against Michael Ignatieff—can be completely neutralized. We need your help to do it, it doesn’t take much effort and it won’t cost you a penny.
An independent Angus Reid study published today finds that Stephen Harper’s strategy is backfiring and that Michael’s honest and personal response to the attacks resonates strongly with Canadians. Stephen Harper is spending an estimated $750 000 dollars a week on this campaign, but you can help beat it with nothing more than a few clicks of your mouse.
Watch Michael's response to the attack adsLet’s take this message Canada wide. Forward it to everyone you know and show Stephen Harper that Canadians won’t be distracted from the real story—the economy—and are ready for a new kind of politics.
Rocco Rossi
National Director, Liberal Party of Canada
So the Conservatives have spent approximately half of their first quarter fundraising on an ad campaign that has been about effective as their fiscal stimulus. During a time of apparently declining revenues. Last year they may have dropped a million on legal fees for the Cadman litigation. To what end?
One of the most difficult managerial tasks is controlling expenditures. The Conservatives have champagne tastes. If they find they have to get by on a beer budget there is a lot of hurt coming their way. There is some talk from the Liberals of limiting pre-writ spending. The Liberals should encourage the Conservatives to spend more.
A comment from a Malawian on Canada's foreign aid changes
Hello, I am a Malawian and a Christian minister. I would like to comment on your post. I am saddened by this development and pray that the Canadian government will rescind its decision to pull out of Malawi as they plan to do - or at least explain to the Malawi government why they are doing simply as a matter of courtesy. Hopefully, the Harper government will remain committed to the cause of development work not just in Malawi but in that whole region of Africa where the needs are great and the ground is "fertile" for development. As a Malawian, I am very proud of my country especially at this time after the successful and peaceful elections that we just had - the cleanest and most civil election we have had as a democracy. That makes me very proud to be Malawian. I have never been more proud to be Malawian than I am now. I thank God for the President that we have now, Dr. Bingu wa Mutharika. He is a man of vision and sound economic principles. With or without Canada's support, I have every reason to believe that as Malawians we have the capacity to pull ourselves out of poverty, grow our economy, change our political landscape and take our place in the world as a nation that loves peace but takes our lives seriously. We are thankful for the support that we have received from Canada so far and we wish the Canadian government and people God's blessing. We will continue to move on with faith for we know that the best is yet to come for Malawi. Maybe someday, the Harper government will wake up and realize that there is really no justification for withdrawing support from a thriving economy and young democracy.
Diminishing Canada abroad, impacting the world's poorest
In the fall of 2004, when Paul Martin was prime minister and Irish rock stars were chattering ceaselessly about the need to help Africa, Canada raised the flag on a shiny new embassy here in the capital of Malawi.
It was the culmination of a warm and close relationship that has sent $440-million in Canadian assistance to the small republic wedged between Zambia, Tanzania and Mozambique in southeast Africa over the past 45 years.
Optimism was in the air. Malawi was making progress – it was holding democratic elections, its farm output was improving dramatically – but it was still one of the world's 10 poorest countries, heavily dependent on foreign donors. And Canada was one of the most faithful of those donors.
Today, the mood has soured. In late September, barely five years after the opening, a small band of diplomats will watch morosely as the Maple Leaf is hauled down and the embassy closed for good.
There has been no announcement, nothing but a discreet notice buried deep in a government website, unnoticed for weeks. One diplomat in a nearby country called it a “stealth closure.” With staff at the embassy (technically a high- commission office, as both countries are in the Commonwealth) prohibited from talking to the media, Canada seems to be sneaking away in the night.
Sneaking away in the night. Isn't that just like Harprorogue.
“It's very abrupt and sudden, and no proper reason was given,” says Emma Kaliya, chairwoman of an independent Malawian organization that had worked on women's-rights issues with Canadian aid. ... The real reason for the shift, of course, is a new calculation of Canada's business and geopolitical interests. Instead of Malawi and the seven other African countries, where most people are so desperately poor that they earn less than $2 a day, a bigger share of Canada's foreign-aid money will flow to middle-income places such as Peru, Colombia, Ukraine and the Caribbean, where Canada's commercial interests are more attractive. Canada's foreign aid seems to have become an instrument of its trade policy.
Ottawa insists that the “established need” of recipient countries was one of three main factors in the new priority list. But when eight of Africa's neediest nations are dropped – in favour of places where incomes are much greater – most observers find it hard to believe that “need” mattered much. ... Yet Canada's aid often works very well, making a crucial difference in the lives of the poor. ... Before the Canadians arrived a few years ago, the maize and banana farmers of Njale took their water from a dirty stream below their village. They hauled the buckets up the hillside to their shacks, knowing the dangers of the tainted water, yet having no choice but to drink it. Cholera was the inevitable result, leaving villagers sick if not dead.
Then the Canadian International Development Agency launched a $13-million water-supply project for 243,000 people in more than 500 southern villages. Today, the people of Njale take clean water from a tap, and cholera deaths have stopped.
“It has helped us so much,” says Esnat John, a 42-year-old farmer who sells her bananas from a tiny roadside shop. “There were a lot of cholera cases before, but now there are none. This project has allowed us to live. We will always be grateful to Canada. Without it, we would be dead by now.”
Ms. John's story is powerful evidence that Canadian aid saves lives among the poorest of the poor – and is deeply appreciated. “I'm getting a lot of heartfelt thank-yous when people hear that I'm from Canada,” says Owen Scott, a development worker in southern Malawi for Engineers Without Borders, a Canadian group.
The villagers are hoping that CIDA will expand the water project. Ms. John points to a hill in the distance, where a woman recently died from cholera because her village was too remote to qualify for the Canadian project. “Please assist those people,” she begs.
Yet the project – now in its final weeks of completion – is almost certain to be the last of its kind in Malawi. Under the Harper government's new policy, CIDA is unlikely to fund something so ambitious in a “non-priority” country. ... Across Malawi, people sing the praises of CIDA – and express bewilderment at the Harper government's decision to axe their country from the priority list. “All of us rejoiced and celebrated when Canada established its high commission here, a fully fledged embassy for the first time,” says Mavuto Bamusi, national co-ordinator of the Human Rights Consultative Committee, an independent group in Malawi that relies on CIDA for 20 per cent of its operating budget.
“What concerns us most is the reclassification of Malawi as a non-priority country. It makes little sense – it's ridiculous. Here is a country emerging from political dictatorship, and it has a democracy which needs to be nurtured. This is a time when Malawi needs support.”
With funding from CIDA, his human-rights group was working with Malawi's parliament on a program to make politicians more accountable. Now, he fears that he'll have to scrap the program. “We're not just laying people off – we're laying off the whole concept of parliamentary accountability,” Mr. Bamusi says. “This is about democracy surviving in Malawi. It sends a wrong signal to other countries – they could do the same as Canada.” ... The shift in priorities has been a disaster for Canada's image in Malawi. “Canada closing embassy,” blared a headline in The Nation, a leading national newspaper, which told its readers (wrongly) that Canada was terminating all of its aid to Malawi. ... More than three years after taking office, the Harper government is still floundering in its search for an Africa policy. In 2005, Paul Martin and the Liberals promised to double Canada's aid to Africa to $2.8-billion by this year. The Conservative government said it would still meet that goal, but redefined the base year, so that the new target was only $2.1-billion. It also gave no clear goal for what happens after the lower target is reached.
In late February, after years of ruminating, the government unveiled its new aid-priority list. It had 20 countries, versus the Liberals' 25, with the number in Africa chopped in half, from 14 to seven. “The surprise and shock were palpable,” reports Embassy magazine, which follows diplomatic issues in Ottawa.
International Co-operation Minister Beverley Oda has said little, telling parliamentarians that “this step recognizes the criticisms directed at CIDA of trying to do everything, for everyone, everywhere.”
But a deeper motivation seems to be the government's distaste for the celebrities who promoted the Africa obsessions. “What I will talk about is not something that aims to please Irish rock stars,” Ms. Oda sniffed in one speech.
Her announcement triggered an angry reaction around the world. Even CIDA's field workers were upset. Nobody from headquarters had consulted them before the decision, and nobody had consulted the African countries themselves. When the drastic shift was unveiled, African diplomats in Ottawa had to read about it in the newspapers. They calculated that CIDA would be sending only 35 per cent of its bilateral aid to Africa, down from 70 per cent previously.
Maybe the government should put on some blue sweater vests when they try and explain this one overseas.