Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's not so much about patronage it is that the 18 Senate appointments mean that the predictions that Jean put restrictions on HarProrogue's actions during the prorogation must be given much less credence. Or did she put restrictions on him and he is testing her resolve?

One option open to her was granting Mr. Harper a qualified prorogation - placing his administration in the straitjacket that limits what governments can do during an election campaign.

If the same limitations restrict what Mr. Harper's government can do until it meets Parliament on Jan. 26, the Prime Minister might not, for example, be allowed to make appointments such as filling the 18 vacancies in the Senate.

Certainty it is unworthy to think that he would be such a boor as to test the limit of any leash he is tethered to at such a delicate moment.Recommend this Post


sassy said...

Certainty it is unworthy to think that he would be such a boor as to test the limit of any leash he is tethered to at such a delicate moment.

I respectfully beg to differ. ;)

Constant Vigilance said...

Oh all right. You convinced me. He is a boor.